Our all-inclusive packages for the registration of a Swiss trademark:
BASIC - Package CHF 750 (excl. VAT)
- Definition by a trademark lawyer of a list of classes of goods and services to be protected
- Discussion of the list of goods and services to be protected by the trademark with the client
- Registration of the trademark with the Office, including payment of official fees
- Taking care of all the necessary formalities for the registration of the trademark
- Delivery of the registration certificate by email
- Representation for the first period of protection (10 years)
REGULAR - Package CHF 1300 (excl. VAT)
- All services of the BASIC package
- Assessment of the protectability of the trademark by a trademark lawye
- Trademark search for identical trademarks in Switzerland and delivery of the search results to the client
- Consultation between the client and a trademark lawyer if identical trademarks are found
- Definition by a trademark lawyer of a detailed list of goods and services to be protected
PLUS - Package CHF 1650 (excl. VAT)
- All services of the REGULAR package
- Trademark search for identical and similar trademarks in Switzerland and delivery of the search results to the client
- Consultation between the client and a trademark lawyer if identical or similar trademarks are found
- Advice from a trademark lawyer on an alternative strategy for optimal trademark protection, if necessary
EXTENDED - Package CHF 2000 (excl. VAT)
- All services of the PLUS Package
- Trademark search for identical trademarks in Switzerland and abroad, report to clients on the protectability of the trademark in Switzerland and abroad
- Consultation between the client and a trademark lawyer if identical or similar trademarks are found
- Advice from a trademark lawyer on an alternative strategy for optimal trademark protection, if necessary
The BASIC Package
The BASIC package allows to obtain an appropriate protection in the vast majority of cases at a lower cost. With this package the list of goods and services is not adapted in detail to the client’s products and services but corresponds to the standard list of identified classes. With this package there is a minor risk that the protection conferred by the trademark is not 100% adapted to your products. Moreover, as no prior search is made against identical or similar trademarks, there is a risk that a third party will oppose the registration of the trademark.
In addition to the services of the BASIC package, this package includes a preliminary search for identical Swiss trademarks that could prevent the registration of your trademark. In addition, a trademark lawyer evaluates the registrability of your trademark and reports on any problems that may be encountered. Thanks to the search for identical trademarks, it is possible to reduce the risk of opposition by third parties.
The PLUS Package
In addition to the services of the REGULAR package, this package includes a preliminary search for similar Swiss trademarks that could prevent the registration of your trademark. In addition, a trademark lawyer evaluates the registrability of your trademark and reports on any problems that may be encountered. By searching for similar trademarks, it is possible to greatly reduce the risk of opposition by third parties.
The EXTENDED Package
This package includes a preliminary search for identical Swiss and foreign trademarks that could prevent the registration of your trademark. This package is therefore advantageous for clients who intend to register their trademark not only in Switzerland but also abroad.
Our all-inclusive packages for the registration of an international trademark:
REGULAR - Package
- Definition by a trademark lawyer of a detailed list of goods and services to be protected
- Discussion of the list of goods and services to be protected by the trademark with the client
- Trademark search for identical trademarks in Switzerland and abroad, report to clients on the protectability of the trademark in Switzerland and abroad
- Consultation between the client and a trademark lawyer if identical trademarks are found
- Registration of the trademark with the Office, incl. payment of official fees in Switzerland and abroad
- Delivery of the registration certificate by email
- Representation for the first period of protection (10 years)
CHF 3200
(excl. VAT)
CHF 4000
(excl. VAT)
CHF 4400
(excl. VAT)
PLUS - Package
- All services of the REGULAR package
- Trademark search for identical and similar trademarks in Switzerland and abroad, report to clients on the protectability of the trademark in Switzerland and abroad
- Consultation between the client and a trademark lawyer if identical or similar trademarks are found
- Advice from a trademark lawyer on an alternative strategy for optimal trademark protection, if necessary
CHF 3700
(excl. VAT)
CHF 4650
(excl. VAT)
CHF 5300
(excl. VAT)
What is a Trademark?
A trademark is a sign that distinguishes the goods and services of one company from those of other companies. The consumer recognizes from a trademark which company a product or service originates from (so-called distinctiveness). Trademarks can be words, individual letters, pictorial representations, three-dimensional shapes, melodies or combinations thereof (e.g. logos).
For a trademark to be registered, it must not be descriptive of the goods or services for which it is to be used and registered. This would mean that the distinctive character of the trademark would not be fulfilled. In addition, it must not be contrary to morality or misleading. Signs that need to be kept free are also not registrable as trademarks. These include designations that are required by all market participants to designate the type, quality, quantity, destination, value or origin of the goods or services. Consequently, common abbreviations, indications of origin, factual indications and/or coats of arms are also not registrable.
A registered trademark protects a sign for 10 years. However, the trademark can be renewed every 10 years for another period of 10 years.
The scope of protection of a trademark is defined by the goods and services for which it is to be used and which are specified in the application.
Like all intellectual property rights, trademarks are territorial property rights, i.e. they offer protection in the country in which they are registered. So that not all countries have to be registered individually, there is the possibility to register an international trademark. In this case, the countries for which the trademark is to provide protection are specified when the application is filed. Currently, 124 countries can be selected: https://www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/treaties/fr/documents/pdf/madrid_marks.pdf . There is also the possibility to register a European Union trademark, which is valid for all EU member states, i.e. Switzerland is not covered.
Trademark law gives the trademark owner the exclusive right to use the trademark to identify the goods or services specified in the registration. The owner of a registered trademark can therefore prohibit third parties from using a confusingly similar sign for similar goods and services.
Our Services
Our trademark department offers the following services:
- Conducting similarity searches for similar or identical trademarks, conducting use searches that clarify and/or demonstrate the use of a trademark in the marketplace
- Assessment of the registrability of signs
- Advice on global trademark protection strategies
- Elaboration or translation of a list of goods and services
- Registration of trademarks in all desired countries, including monitoring and reminder of the deadline for renewal of the trademark after registration is completed
- Execution of official notices, e.g. provisional rejection notices
- Trademark renewal
- Monitoring a trademark for recent trademark registrations that may infringe trademark rights
- Drafting and filing oppositions against similar third-party trademarks
- Issuing warning letters requesting third parties who use confusingly similar signs to cease and desist from an existing trademark infringement in the future
- Defense of the trademark against infringement or attack by third parties
- Transfer, change of address or change of name of registered trademarks